
Cauliflower Redoubtable 25 seeds

Cauliflower Redoubtable 25 seeds
Dense white heads which are larger than most other Roscoff types. Very vigorous F1 variety with good habit, ideal for the UK climate. Sow from May to early July, can be autumn sown, harvest from January to March. Brassica oleracea var botrytis


Seeds normally despatched within 48 hours Mon-Fri

Basic Information
Brassica oleracea Basic Sowing information: Dig the soil deeply with the addition of manure or compost during the late autumn/winter some months prior to planting. Sow seed 1cm deep, thin out to 7cm apart, transplant up to 60cm apart when the plants have made 5-6 leaves. Sow Jan to Feb under glass, autumn for overwintering in cold frames. Sow outdoors March to May.