
Lisianthus. Croma Lavender 20 pellets

Lisianthus. Croma Lavender 20 pellets
Hybrid Lisianthus, Cut Flower. Excellent rose type flowers, elegant flower formation and high doubleness of its petals, strong sturdy stems and thick petals make it very attractive to florists and versatile in arrangements. Stunning fully double 6cm lavender flowers that resemble roses. Late flowering variety with excellent branching habit short plants with strong stems ideal as a cut flower. Supplied as pelleted seeds. Height 80-100cm
Eustoma grandiflorum

Experience is required to germinate Lisianthus.


Seeds normally despatched within 48 hours Mon-Fri

Basic Sowing Information for the Species
Common/Latin Name: Eustoma. Texas Bluebell or Prairie Gentian
Type: Annual
Temperature: 20-22°C
Cover: Sow on compost surface
Date: Nov to early March
Advice: Sow approx 12-14 weeks before last frosts in a thermostatically controlled heated propagator, recommend bottom heat at a constant temperature. Space pots 10x15cm, if field or border grown space plants 15x15cm.

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    Cut Flower seed
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    Datura to Delphinium
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    Nasturtium seeds
    Nemesia to Nemophila
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    Ornamental Kale & Osteospermum
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    Passion flower to Pyrethrum
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    Rhodochiton to Rudbeckia
    Salpiglossis to Schizanthus
    Sedum to Streptocarpus
    Sunflower seed
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    Sweet William
    Tacca to Tweedia caerula
    Verbascum to Verbena
    Veronica to viola
  Vegetable Collections
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