
Herb Bergamot Mixed Monarda didyma 30 seeds

Herb Bergamot Mixed Monarda didyma 30 seeds
Bergamot flowers June to September and the scented flowers are pollinated by bees, excellent for attracting wildlife into the garden. The leaves young shoots and flowers are used, flowers as a decoration to salads, leaves and tips for flavouring salads and for tea and ice drinks. Leaves and flowers added to pot pourris. Sow seed mid spring on in a cold frame plant out early summer, sow again in summer in areas where the winter is not too cold. Prefers full sun to partial shade in a rich moist soil. Perennial Culinary herb
Monarda didyma - Bee Balm, Monarde Tee, Oswego Tea, Scarlet Monarda


Seeds normally despatched within 48 hours Mon-Fri

Basic Sowing information: Herb seeds can be sown from early spring onwards, when the ground has warmed up they can be direct sown. All herbs come complete with sowing instructions.