Seeds normally despatched within 48 hours Mon-Fri
Basic Sowing Information for the Species Common/Latin Name: Sunflowers Type: Annual Temperature: 20C Cover: Average layer vermiculite or compost Date: Sow spring and Summer Advice: Sow into pots, containers or direct into open ground. Keep well fed and watered. Grow in a sunny site. Direct Sowing Sow sunflowers April to late June, direct into the flowering position when the ground has warmed up. Distance between rows depends on variety but up to 40cm for larger varieties. Space plants average 12-15 cm apart. Lightly cover the seeds and keep the seed bed moist. The optimum temperature for germination is 20°C minimum 5°C Sowing to first cutting approx 60 days in mid summer. POLLEN FREE VARIETIES Pollen free types are excellent for cut flowers, they are uniform and vigorous in growth even under low temperature and short day conditions. Dense planting will provide quality cut flowers. Pollen free varieties can be sown September to March under glass and April to August outdoors. Min night temp 8°C day max temp 25°C require little or no fertilizer and water sparingly.