
Catnip Nepeta cataria 500 herb seeds

Catnip Nepeta cataria 500 herb seeds
Cats will demolish young plants unless protected. Also known as catmint or true catmint, the leaves have a fragrance of mint, greyish plant with whitish purple flowers. Aromatic herbal tea is made from the fresh or dried leaves and the leaves can also be added to cats toys. The leaves can be used in moderation to flavour salads. It can also be used to dye wool and textiles. Grow in a sunny site in well drained soil. Said to keep mice and rats away. A tea induces sleep, bees love the flowers. Culinary herb. Nepeta Cataria height 1m



Basic Sowing information: Herb seeds can be sown from early spring onwards, when the ground has warmed up they can be direct sown. All herbs come complete with sowing instructions.