Low to Medium height Annual Biennial Perennial wildflowers. Wildflower seeds coverage 5sq. metre 100% wildflowers.
Contains a selection of the Top 15 most vigorous, competitive and attractive meadowland wild flowers. some species are of value as a source of food for butterflies, bees and other insects. Species include :-
Lady's Bedstraw, Birds-foot-trefoil, meadow buttercup, wild carrot, cowslip, oxeye daisy, dandelion, black medic, pignut, hoary and ribwort plantain, field scabious, selfheal, common and kidney vetch, yarrow.
Culture :- Best sown early March to late may or from 1st September to early October.
If used with a grass seed mixture, during the first year after sowing grass should be cut to 5-10cm and the cuttings removed. In following years cut in October after all the flower seeds have shed remove the cuttings.