
Ammi Majus. Queen of Africa 400 seeds

Ammi Majus. Queen of Africa 400 seeds
An excellent selection for cut flowers. Large white flower heads that can be dyed to the growers / end users requirements. Grow outdoors or under cover in fertile well drained soil in either full sun or partial shade. Ammi majus is used both in mixed and single bouquets. For outdoor and greenhouse production. For greenhouse culture, the more uniform and less branching 'Queen of Africa' is recommended. Sow at intervals, preferably direct. Characteristics are: uniform germination, even growth, strong upright stems and no yellowing of the leaves. The secondary umbels do not overgrow the main umbel. Harvest in one go is advisable. In rainy periods Queen of Africa keeps in better shape than the conventional Ammi. Less influenced by low light conditions, and very suitable for growing in a greenhouse. Sow in situ mid spring and late summer. Height 1-1.4m Annual cut flower.


Seeds normally despatched within 48 hours Mon-Fri

Basic Sowing Information for the Species
Type: Annual cut flower
Temperature: 15-20°C
Cover: Lightly cover seed
Date: Sow March onwards
Advice: direct sow

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    Antirrhinum seed
    Arabis to Aubrieta
    Bacopa Seeds
    Begonia seeds
    Bellis seeds
    Bells of Ireland
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    Cactus to Cerinthe
    Calendula seeds
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    Canterbury Bells
    Capsicum Ornamental
    Carnation Seeds
    Celosia seeds
    Chamomile to Cynoglossum
    Coleus seeds
    Cosmos seeds
    Cut Flower seed
    Dahlia seeds
    Datura to Delphinium
    Dianthus to Dierama
    Dichondra seeds
    Digitalis to Doronicum
    Echinacea to Echinops
    Erigeron to Eschscholzia
    Euphorbia to Evening Primrose
    Feijoa Sellowiana
    Gaillardia to Gaultheria
    Gerbera to Godetia
    Grasses Ornamental
    Gourds to Gypsophila
    Helichrysum to Heliotrope
    Hesperis to Hibiscus
    Hollyhock to Hypoestes
    Iberis to Impatiens
    Ipomoea to Iresine
    Knautia to Kochia
    Lapageria to Larkspur
    Laurentia to Lavender
    Layia to Linum
    Luffa to Lythrum
    Meconopsis to Mimulus
    Mina lobata to Myosotis
    Nasturtium seeds
    Nemesia to Nemophila
    Nigella to Nolana
    Ornamental Kale & Osteospermum
    Panola to Pansy
    Passion flower to Pyrethrum
    Petunia Wave
    Polyanthus & Primula
    Poppy (Papaver)
    Rhodochiton to Rudbeckia
    Salpiglossis to Schizanthus
    Sedum to Streptocarpus
    Sunflower seed
    Sweet Pea seed
    Sweet William
    Tacca to Tweedia caerula
    Verbascum to Verbena
    Veronica to viola
  Vegetable Collections
  Sprouting seed
  Wildflower Conservation
  Wildflower Mixtures
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